
Relationship Problems Don’t Disappear, They Grow – How to Solve Them Instead

“I don’t want to deal with it.”

“If I ignore it, it’ll go away.”

“I don’t have the time to deal with this.”

“I don’t know what to do about ____, so I’ll just wait and see what happens.”

None of these statements will make your problems disappear. Problems don’t just disappear – they grow.

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The stories I have heard as a Spiritual Medium through the years! Something so little can quickly destroy a marriage, a partner, a work or family connection and irreparably burn bridges and it’s often completely preventable!!!

Unfortunately they often take on a life of their own and end up being way bigger than they started. The answer isn’t ignoring them – unless you want a much bigger and often unrelated problem later. The answer is ADDRESSING the problem as quickly as possible – even if you are a drama avoider.

Your focus should be on love and getting more love back into the relationship. It boils down to communication. You must communicate with the other person and listen to them. Communication is KEY and it’s the only way you will find a solution.

How to Address a Relationship Problem

  1. Listen and understand. This doesn’t mean you agree with their side, but to have a common ground, you have to understand where they are coming from just as they should understand where you are coming from. Listen to listen. Don’t just sit there thinking about what you want to say or how wrong they are. Find a common ground.
  2. Pay attention. Most people do not like confrontation and will do whatever they can to avoid it. If someone is coming to you with a problem, give it your undivided attention now and I promise you, it won’t get to be a bigger problem later. A lot of my clients do NOT like confrontation. But ignoring a problem will inevitably bring you drama and more problems. Instead, address it and move forward as quickly as possible.
  3. Speak clearly. Do not tell them what they want to hear to just make this go away. Say what you mean to say and do what you say you will do. “I feel ___”, is the most powerful statement you can give someone to help them understand where you are coming from. It’s not facts, it’s how you feel and it has to be acknowledged and addressed. People do not want to be guessing how you feel or what you’re struggling with. When you communicate real solutions, everyone is happier.
  4. Be aware of your triggers. Whenever there are relationship problems, it’s always easiest to point your finger at someone else – but this doesn’t fix, change or solve anything. Notice what you are bringing to the conversation and is it elevating the relationship or bringing it down? It is your job and responsibility to energetically be aware of what you are holding onto and why as this affects your relationships.
  5. Make a plan. The problem will not go away if you keep doing the same things repeatedly. Make a plan that you both agree to (compromise will likely be involved) and hold each other lovingly to your agreement. The goal is to move forward, not stay stuck in the past.
  6. Focus on the problem at hand. Not every problem you’ve had over the decades – each problem is addressed individually, a solution is found, and you both move forward. You only bring it up again if they aren’t doing what they committed to doing and make sure you are committed to your promises. Do not keep bringing up the same problem, especially when they bring a problem to you. This shows that you are staying stuck in the past and not willing to move forward with them.

Your relationship goal is to be happy! Not angry, bitter or scheming ways to punish the other person. That makes everyone miserable and creates more problems. Let’s get back to love, peace and happiness in your relationships.

The only way to go forwards is to stop looking backwards. Work together and stop fighting each other. The faster you address a problem, the better everyone will feel.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support and coaching program support for your clients.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach successful women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! Reset.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2021

Reset NOW- Rewrite Your Story

What’s your STORY?

The one you tell yourself on REPEAT that holds you back and keeps you from truly loving your life?

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Perhaps it’s, “I’ll be happy after I crush this next goal.” Or, “My relationships don’t last because they keep ________.” Or, “I want to do fun things but I don’t have the time.”

Your story is an old pattern that you PULL into your life, usually when things are going well. It gives you permission to self-sabotage and pull yourself out of the abundance you are receiving. And it keeps you from loving this amazing life you’ve been so busy creating.

This old story doesn’t have to guide you anymore – unless you like being stuck and frustrated that nothing is changing – you have the power to create a new story.

How to Rewrite Your Story

You can’t create a new result with the old story. You have to let the old story go and write a new one and when something comes up where you’d tell yourself the old story, you have to tell yourself your new story instead.

  • What is your story?
  • What happens when you tell yourself this story?
  • What would you like to happen instead?

When things are going well and you start to fall into old patterns and start to self-sabotage:

  1. STOP immediately. Catch yourself in the pattern and release it by saying, “I’m not doing this anymore.” Let the past go. You can take what you learned from the experience WITHOUT carrying the energy of the experience.
  2. Focus on what is working well and be truly grateful for the amazing experiences that are happening in your life right now – like the thing you were just trying to self-sabotage. Being grateful brings you into the present moment and this is where your power is. Right here, right now!
  3. Shift the energy that is creating your experiences. Create an energy practice to help you reduce your stress and have more balance. Energy affects everything. The better place you are in energetically, the less likely this old story will appear.
  4. Rewrite your NEW story. When that old story appears, this is what you do:

Appreciate your experience, everything happens for a reason:

When __________happened, it was a journey for me to ____________. I am grateful for this experience. I let it go and I am free. Now I will only tell my NEW version of the story.

My NEW story is:

Because of ____________ (my experience) it allowed me to ___________ (grow, stand in my power, express myself, etc.). I am stronger because of this experience and now I can _______ (what good came to you because of your experience).

I am____________.

Going forward, focus on the positive from the experience. What you learned, what skills you now take with you, and how you are a better person because of this. If any negativity comes up, you have more clearing and letting go to do until you can tell the story without falling back onto the pain, hurt, etc.

Lisa's live event in March 2021. Clients wrote what they're grateful for from their experiences.

What new story will you write today?

Just because you’ve been following an old story doesn’t mean it is the right story for you anymore. You can shift and create a new story for any scenario in your life at any time. All you have to do is be ready!

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support and coaching program support for your clients.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach successful women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! Reset.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2021

Break the Vicious Cycle: Heal from Your Past Relationship Patterns

Relationships endings can be devastating. From an energy standpoint, you may find yourself holding onto anger, hurt, frustration and sadness.

And the worst part? A relationship ending makes you stop because it affects EVERYTHING! Often it puts you into a stuck and holding pattern, which is when most of my clients come to work with me.

They say time heals all things, but it doesn’t heal anything that you don’t DEAL with. Usually when a relationship ends, you blame the other person for all the shortfalls and things that went wrong. While you may be able to do that with one relationship – once it happens again or seems to be a pattern, the responsibility to fix the patterns in your relationships falls 100% onto you since you are the one creating them.

1. Get Objective and Recognize the Patterns

The first thing I help my clients with before JUMPING into another relationship is to get objective and figure out your patterns.

While it is easier to keep blaming others for the relationship fails, nothing will change until you recognize what you keep creating in your relationships and how it affects your partners and your relationship with them.

The inner work here is:

  • Looking at your parent’s marriage. What similarities do you notice in your relationships? What isn’t working anymore for you?
  • How does your family talk to you? How do they treat you? What is similar with your partners?
  • What did people tell you as a child? You are too ____. You always do ____. You can’t ___. How do you talk to yourself because of this? What do you hear your partner saying to you that is similar?
  • How do you treat yourself? What similarities did you notice in your intimate relationships? If you think you aren’t worthy, your partner won’t either.
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One of my clients has a mother who is always manipulating the situation and telling her one thing and everyone else something else about her. So of course, she married a man who did the same thing. Because of these two relationships, my client struggles with feeling that people don’t believe her.

She feels like she is constantly battling the lies her family, ex and his family tell. He had an affair and when she went back to their home state, the rumor mill was saying she had the affair! Because of the work we are doing together, she was able to see what was happening, stand in her power and respond in a different way – one where she was able to speak her truth and smash the lies. But in order to do that, she had to get objective and recognize her long, outdated patterns.

You have to change the patterns or you will keep getting the same results in your relationships.

2. Do the Inner Work to Heal

Time DOES NOT heal all things! I cannot stress this enough. Ignoring your pain and tucking it away to deal with later (aka never) does not make it go away. It just leaves it there to resurface in future relationships as triggers and old stories that keep you stuck.

The passing of time may make it so that you don’t cry as much or get as angry when you talk about it anymore, but the energy remains until you actually CLEAR it out.

You are carrying hurts and pains from relationships in other life experiences, from your childhood and past relationships. I guarantee it. I haven’t met a person yet that was left unscathed because you are taught to get distracted with work, another relationship or keep yourself busy. None of this allows you to process, adjust and move forward freely.

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I have a client that kept going back to her childhood and how her family treated her as the reason she was putting herself last in her relationships. She didn’t feel worthy. But instead of actually healing it, she would say, “This makes me want to cry.” And she would stop there, not do anything to clear it, get teary eyed and literally freeze in that memory. Then she would energetically store all that sadness and worthlessness into her chest and NOTHING was changing. This kept her from moving forward because every time she said that, she got stuck in the moment as a child and nothing changed in her relationships. She was stuck in a vicious cycle of feeling worthless that we had to break by changing her pattern and clearing the energy she was holding onto for decades.

From an energy standpoint, you will carry the energy until you HEAL it, however long that takes.

While you may not have control over what the other person does, you do have control over what you are carrying and holding onto and you can let it go. Here is a simple but powerful practice I teach my clients to help them clear their energy.

3. Create New Relationship Patterns

NO ONE goes into a relationship whole and perfect. You go into relationships to HEAL the things it is time to heal or to support each other with the things you agreed to support each other with before you were born.

You want to stop and change:

  • Old patterns that make you feel awful. Catch yourself in the moment and do something different. That will get you a different result. Clear out the energy that keeps you operating in those self-destructive patterns.
  • Drama – you either add to it, run away from it, or try to be a peace keeper. Be aware of how you respond to drama, what it does to your relationships and make the necessary changes.
  • Communication problems – remember, your partner is NOT a mind reader. Clearly communicate your needs, expectations and boundaries.
  • Being focused on ONLY your needs. Relationships really are a give and take experience with the exception being on your non-negotiables (no cheating, no drugs, etc.) Compromising and meeting each other in the middle is key.
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One of my clients has a habit of falling apart around her birthday. This shows up in her relationships with anger and frustration. She sent her (new at the time) boyfriend a break up text last year on her birthday with all of her demands listed and no discussion – it was simply the end of their relationship. It was the first he had heard of the expectations in the break up text. They did eventually get back together with boundaries and new guidelines for their relationship. This year, those patterns are resurfacing but they are less extreme.

This year she recognizes her birthday patterns. She is now able to stop herself from acting on the self-destructing patterns. She schedules in more self-care, time for energy work and is realizing that everything she seeks really does come from within.

Recognize the old patterns, the ones that make you self-sabotage and self-destruct and shift them in the moment. You know what the old patterns will do, instead it’s time to try something new to get a new result.

I have helped countless women heal past relationships and create a life that they love. They didn’t think it was possible and now they look back at how far they’ve come and they are GRATEFUL for the experience. Now they LOVE their life. You can too!

Heal the past and make room for healthy, positive experiences in your relationships. It really is a game changer!

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Want more relationship support? My book, “Energy Awareness: My Guide to Balanced Relationships” will help you become aware of the energy exchanges in your relationships and balance them.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support and coaching program support for your clients.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach successful women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! Reset.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2021

6 Tips to Stay PRESENT this Holiday Season

You are busy and have a lot on your plate. Just when you think you cannot add one more thing – here comes the hustle and bustle of the holidays!

As a career driven woman, the holidays often add to your exhaustion and overwhelm often taking you to your breaking point.

I used to hit my breaking point and find myself sick through the holidays and recovering in January but there is another way. You can reclaim your time, relationships, inner game and energy this holiday season with these 6 easy tips.

1. Pace Yourself

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This can seem tricky when you’re already exhausted and over scheduled – but to get it all done and over with you cram everything into a day or two. Don’t try and do all your shopping after a packed work day. DON’T!

This is how you get sick, make mistakes and snap at people. Instead, simplify your schedule for the WHOLE holiday season and create a balance with family, friends, co-workers or team members, activities, etc. Expand your time instead of overbooking.

Also, give yourself extra time to get stuff done! Things always take longer than you thought they would.

When you pace yourself this holiday season, you’ll find it brings you more joy and less exhaustion. Added bonus, time will feel like it’s moving slower.

2. Don’t Over Commit

You like to show up and be there for everyone. You probably end up doing more that you need to. I get it! But when you over commit you end up cancelling on things last minute because you are so exhausted and overwhelmed.

Instead, look at your schedule and make sure it is balanced. Leave space in for last minute things that WILL come up that you’ll want to do. Leave a day empty on the weekend if you can to help you recharge, get some self-care in and do what will bring you joy!

When you say “no” you say YES to things you actually want to do. Stop over committing!

3. Do Things You ACTUALLY Want to Do

Do not do things this holiday season because you feel like you HAVE to. We all know when you’re at an event or doing something you don’t want to do. That energy is a downer and contagious.

Instead do things that will make you happy and bring more joy to you this holiday season.

Personally, I know what I want to buy as gifts but I don’t like to shop. I spend my time tuning it to find the perfect gift and I hire someone to do the actual shopping and wrapping – things that don’t bring me joy so I can have the time and energy for FUN.

4. Have Fun!

Let’s get back to the basics – the holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and fun. Do things that will bring you joy. Things that will create memories you will look back at fondly.

What are some things that will be fun for YOU – not everyone around you but for YOU – to do this holiday season? Do it!

5. Take Time for Yourself

Self-care is KEY to balance this holiday season and stay HEALTHY.

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It can be simple and free or high end pampering, you get to decide:

The better place you are in, the better your experiences and relationships will be.

6. Be Aware of Your Energy

This is so key – your energy reflects what is or isn’t showing up in your life. Abundance flows from a place of abundance and lack flows from a place of lack.

The energy you give is the energy you receive. And remember, you don’t have to take on anyone else’s energy – that helps no one.

Put the tips above into place this holiday season so you are showing up from a place of power and joy, not a place of exhaustion and irritation. May your holiday season be filled with love and joy this year and in years to come!

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Here’s a 5 minute guided meditation I created to help you calm and balance your energy at any time of the day!

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support and coaching program support for your clients.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset.

Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! Reset.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

Healing Generational Patterns with a Spiritual Medium

Generational patterns run DEEP in your family just like disease processes do. What runs in your family is passed down to you but you have the power to change these patterns.

You live by these patterns often without realizing or questioning them. They are engrained into your energy.

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As a Spiritual Medium, I work with Generational Patterns often and they guide all areas of your life.

Generational Patterns shape and define your:

  • Relationships
  • Abundance
  • Time
  • Energy
  • Mindset

You will find yourself doing the things your parents did, your grandparents and so on until you start to recognize the pattern, stop it and create a new one. Just because they’ve been handed down to you, doesn’t mean they have to continue to have power over you.

What Are Generational Patterns?

Generational Patterns are most often energy patterns that are passed down to you through your biological family and they are strong patterns.

You can also pick up on Generational Patterns from those you are around a lot as a child like your care givers, role models, adopted parents, etc.

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Generational Patterns are stored energetically in a specific area of your body. It imprints into your energy and continues through the generations until you stop it and heal it in your body.

They show up in how you take risks or don’t, how you take care of your body or don’t, your abundance beliefs, your intimate partner experiences, how you spend your time, etc. Look at how you spend money, who else in your family spends it the same way? It’s a Generational Pattern.

Healing it in your body doesn’t heal it in your ancestors. They have to do the work to break these patterns in their life. But when you shift it in your life, it will affect your future generations because you changed the pattern.

Discovering Your Generational Patterns

These patterns are not only in your energy but they are taught to you at a young age often by the people who passed the energy on.

Let’s go back to your childhood. What is your EARLIEST memory about:

  • How relationships are? How to be treated in a relationship?
  • MONEY. What is your earliest belief about money? Your earliest belief spending money?
  • How to spend time? Constantly on the go? Put things off to the last minute?
  • What were you taught about energy? How to spend your energy?

Now look at how these patterns are STILL showing up in your life today! Are they working? Usually they aren’t because they aren’t yours.

Breaking Free from Your Generational Patterns

You have the power to live, create and shift your life in every moment. That includes changing the Generational Patterns in your life.

Are you ready to BREAK free from your Generational Patterns that are no longer serving you?

  1. Get objective – notice they are there and how they are guiding your life and other family members.
  2. Shift in your pivotal moment – recognize you are following the Generational Pattern. Stop going into the actions and energy of the pattern and shift in that moment.
  3. Do what you would like to do instead of what you were just routinely going to do.
  4. Create a daily energy work practice to help you clear your energy.

Just because something has been a pattern for decades for you and longer for your family, doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it when it no longer supports you. You have the power to create a life you love in every moment.

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Here’s a 5 minute guided meditation I did to help you calm and balance your energy at any time of the day!

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support and coaching program support for your clients.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset.

Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! Reset.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

From Exhausted to Energized: How Working with a Spiritual Medium Changed Everything

As a Spiritual Medium, most of my clients come to me when they’re at their breaking point. You know – when what you’re doing is physically no longer working, you don’t know what to do and something HAS to change right NOW.

I started working with one of my private clients (that I am keeping anonymous, like I do all of my private clients) a little over two years ago. She wasn’t new to healers or energy work. She was building her business but that was all she was doing – working ALL the time.

She wasn’t spending time with her family, she wasn’t taking care of her body and dating was completely out of the picture.

She was stuck in a vicious cycle of feast or famine and didn’t have the time or energy to change the patterns she was stuck in.

Career driven women often have the same struggle:

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  • Working all hours of the day
  • Working through weekends and those vacations you live for
  • You’re tired and don’t have energy or time for your relationships
  • It doesn’t matter what goals, income or titles you’ve acquired, you are hustling and immediately onto the next goal
  • Your body takes the back seat and you find yourself getting sick more often or having more injuries
  • You’re not enjoying this amazing life you’ve created

We Began to Heal her Success Wound

The first thing we did was address the Generational Patterns from her mom that were energetically driving her but no longer serving her and feeding her Success Wound. She was proving “I am love”, “I am worthy” and “I am enough” in every area of her life. This came off as her being needy and clingy. She wasn’t attracting abundance, quality clients or men.

Her mom was never around and she was creating the same environment for her kids.

We created boundaries around the hours she would work, a process to only attract in perfect clients, created a schedule for her to workout, time for her to spend with family and friends, vacations at times in each quarter where she could actually get away and she started DATING someone she was intuitively introduced to and magnetically drawn to.

But the REAL changes came from the energy work. I helped her get on her best path and cleared and reprogramed her energy once a week in her private session. She has been to all my live events in the last year that have helped her up-level in a group environment.

She has learned how to balance her energy and specific energy work and abundance practices that she does every day. This has shifted the clients she now attracts and she has a thriving business AND a lifestyle she loves.

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Are you struggling and at your breaking point? Then working with a Spiritual Medium is your fastest path to a complete turn around to transform your life into the one you envision. You can apply for a connection call with Lisa here.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support and coaching program support for your clients.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset.

Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! Reset.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

5 Things You Should NOT Casually Ask a Spiritual Medium

You are so tempted to know what we’re seeing, reading, feeling and what we KNOW.

I get it but it takes energy for a Medium to tune in, read it and explain it to you.

One question is NEVER just one question.

I guarantee you’ll have a pile of questions, the venue is not appropriate for the work we do and you are not honoring our career, energy or time.

Remember, this is what the Medium gets PAID to do.

You’re asking for it for free and that is not okay from anyone ever. It’s like going up to a doctor at a restaurant with his family and asking him for a diagnosis. Then for a treatment protocol. Then another diagnosis and so on.

When you randomly ask a Spiritual Medium or any Medium these questions you are not respecting that this is their work and what they get paid to do. So PLEASE stop casually asking these questions!

The 5 Things You Should NOT Casually Ask a Spiritual Medium:

#1 How’s my energy?

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Don’t do it! If you have to ask, your energy is not on point.

If you are in a good place with your energy, you KNOW.

When you’re in a bad place and you ask, this tells us you’re not going to do anything with our reading anyhow, so there is no point in answering.

If you really want us to read your energy, help you get it aligned and get you on your best path, hire us! Asking this question outside of a session isn’t going to get the results you want anyhow.

#2 Are there any spirits around me?


Every time I get asked that question it draws spirits around you immediately. Especially when the spirit has been trying to show itself to you and you haven’t been able to recognize it.

Outside a session, this is not a question to ask as it will stir up things for you, guaranteed and make you CRY!

Again, this is something that has to be done in session, where you feel safe and supported so you can heal and connect with your loved ones that have crossed over. Not at a party. Not when you meet a Medium and you’re not working with them. Only in session.

#3 Am I on the right path?

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Look at #1 again! If you are asking this, you are not honoring a Medium’s time. How can we easily and quickly answer this question? We can’t.

If you are being really honest, you know if you’re on your path or not. You don’t need anyone to tell you. You feel the answer in your energy, mood, finances, and overall joy of life.

Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to. We can help you with so much, let’s work on the bigger stuff and actually get you on your right path.

#4 Is there anything you want to tell me?

The answer to this is NO!

If I wanted to tell you something, I would have been guided to do it in a very light and gentle way already. You don’t have to ask, we are guided.

Mediums are ALWAYS on. We don’t have an off switch. We read the energy of the event before we decide to go, the energy of the room and your energy before you even talk to us.

If we aren’t working with you in a session or we haven’t already said something we were guided to say, we aren’t going to voluntarily offer a reading – even if you ask us. Remember, our work takes a lot of energy.

#5 What do you think about __________?

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These are questions for sessions only! Yes I can read your energy. Yes I know the answer in a second.

But they will trigger things in you and it shouldn’t be done outside of a session.

This is going to lead to a ton of questions, just like everything above this.

Instead, pay to work with me and the results will be beyond anything you expected. But you won’t get that just randomly asking the questions above. Especially since those situations are not private, quiet and don’t allow you to do the work as deeply.

I am confident that I speak for all the Mediums and Psychics in your life. If you want the answers, hire the support. It is transformational and up-leveling when you work with a Medium that is BORN with their gifts. If they aren’t born with them, they aren’t a Medium.

Note: I offer programs instead of a session here and there because I am here to help you breakthrough old beliefs, balance you energy and up-level your success. I do that by helping you clear, balance and align your energy. When you heal one layer, another layer appears to be healed. You’ve lived millions of lives, one session is only going to address what you’re dealing with at that moment.

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The best way to get your head, energy and life on point is in a program that will support you throughout the year as you hit different triggers and experiences.

I am here for the DEEP, transformational work that will get you to your next level. Schedule a Connection Call with me to see how we can work together.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support and coaching program support for your clients.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset.

Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! Reset.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

Why You Should Say NO More Often

I bet you say “yes” to things because you think you should.

Perhaps to even make someone else happy (which you don’t have the power to do – so stop doing that!)

You say “yes” for the other person while you inwardly cringe and cross off your list something you really did want to do but now you can’t.

What would change if you said NO instead?

  • Would you have more time?
  • Do more things you actually want to do?
  • Feel better about your schedule?
  • Get some much needed self-care in?

Think about it this way – when you say “no” to something, you are saying “yes” to something for you.

After all, there is only so much time in a day.

I Don’t Have Enough TIME

This is the biggest complaint I hear: “I don’t have enough time.”

Time is a commodity. It is more precious than money because you can’t get more of it.

You spend a lot of your day saying “yes” to things that take you away from the things you actually wanted to do.

When you say “yes” to your already busy schedule, you either have to take out something you really wanted to do or you lose time for yourself at the end of the day.


But by saying ‘no”, you say yes to that walk, a book, a reasonable bedtime, time to “be” or whatever it is that you want to do for yourself.

See where I’m going with this?

Start Saying “NO”

When someone invites you to do something you DON’T want to do, the best thing you can do is say “no.”

Notice there is no excuse here. You’re not ignoring them or leaving them in limbo. Just say, “No.” Or “No thank you.”


Here’s the thing, no one wants you at something you don’t want to be at. You mess with the vibe of the event. And when you don’t want to be there, everyone knows you don’t want to be there. So save all this trouble and start saying “no.”

It feels awkward at first but I promise it gets easier once you realize what you can do instead during that time!

Most of the time, they don’t care that you said no. (Now if they pressure you once you say you don’t want to go, then you should really look at why they’re trying to pressure you and decide to go from there. Maybe even read this article on boundaries.)

The bonus in saying “no” is that you have more time and energy to actually do things you want to do. Maybe you get to sleep at a decent hour. Or you get to read a book you’ve been wanting to start.

Pause Before You Say “Yes”

Before you say “yes”, ask yourself do I:

  • Want to do this?
  • Have time to do this?
  • Have the energy to do this?
  • Have to give up something else I want to do in order to do this?

Don’t respond until you’ve decided if you really want to do it or not – but don’t forget to respond. (Not responding puts a strain on your energy.)

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Remember, you get to decide how to spend your time.

Spend your time wisely. Say “no” more often so you can say “yes” to the things you really want to do.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned!  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

Fear or Abundance – What is Running Your Business

It’s very easy to step into fear right now but there is NO POWER in a place of fear. Nor can you successfully run your business from a place of fear or make a positive impact on the world.

What you focus on, you attract to you, regardless of what it is. If you’re afraid, you will attract more of what you’re afraid of and that includes what you are attracting into your business.

Let’s start with the definitions:

  • Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
  • Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
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Entrepreneurs navigate fears and intuition from business conception to where your business is today and unfortunately, that energy lingers without even realizing it.

You have taken risks and done things that have forced you to overcome some of your fears, but I always find that there are fears subconsciously guiding your decisions, often holding you back. Add in what is happening right now with this pandemic virus, and I guarantee you have fears to clear.

Running your business from your fears makes being an entrepreneur harder than it has to be and energetically it affects your abundance. It’s time to step away from the fears and focus on following your intuition. After all, being a successful entrepreneur is all about personal development.

1. Get Objective

The first thing you need to do is get objective.

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Fears will sound more negative and are a lower energy vibration filled with can’t, shouldn’t, don’t and even “that won’t work!”

Intuition will be clear. It is a higher energy vibration focused on moving forward filled with guidance, next steps, and knowing your best path.

  • What is guiding you to make the decisions you are making in your business?
  • Is this supporting or hurting your business? (really get CLEAR here)
  • What should I be doing differently to create more impact and income?

This will allow you to step into your power and make a decision that is best for your business and not just keep on doing what you’ve always done.

Doing what you’ve always done will not take you to the next level in your business – especially if you are driven by fear. Instead keep shifting your mindset and letting go of your fears.

2. Let Go

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Your intuition will guide you onto YOUR best path and your fear will keep you stuck every time.

Let go of your fears around finances, any rough patches in your entrepreneurial journey and the uncertainty of how current life events COULD affect your business.

What energy work and letting go do you need to do? Make sure you’re doing it daily as needed. Here is a quick letting go video to support you as well.

3. Listen to Your Intuition

Fear will always hold you back, it’s not what helped you start your business. Your intuition did and it is always guiding you on your best path FORWARD!

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How is your intuition guiding you?

Do you have a feeling, hear it, see it? Listen! This is your special navigation to help you do your work in a bigger way and to help you connect with the people you have to connect with.

You can also know what your intuition looks like for you by noticing when you ignore it, that you were being guided. It seems backwards, but if you ignore that gut feeling or insight, you will find yourself saying, “I knew that was going to happen.” Going forward, instead of ignoring that feeling, knowing, etc – next time pay attention and see how things shift forward for you.

Your intuition will guide you in the best direction for success in all areas of your life. Stop ignoring it and listen!

4. Do Your Abundance Energy Work

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Whatever you focus on, you will bring more of to you whether that is lack or abundance. I promise you, abundance is easier, especially with all the fears and negativity out there RIGHT now!

Abundance practices are more than manifesting and gratitude journals. It requires energy work. Check out my energy work tips to bring in more abundance here.

It always starts with being objective. From there, look at what is guiding you. Do energy work throughout each day to help you get clear and make your decisions from a better place energetically.

If you would like a daily reference guide to help you reclaim your time, relationships, inner game and energy, you can get it here.

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Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned!  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

4 Quick and Powerful Shifts from Overwhelm into Balance

As a successful entrepreneur and a Spiritual Medium, Healer & Coach, I hear these things all the time:

  • My to-do list is never ending.
  • There is so much on my plate, I don’t even know where to begin.
  • My business is so busy, I don’t have time for anything for me – like lunch, a date or a full night’s sleep.
  • How can I stay focused, confident and on top of everything in my relationships and in my business?
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 You want to be everything to everyone but you have so much on your plate.

I get it!

While you can manage being out of balance for a little bit of time, it’s not sustainable and it doesn’t work long term for you or those around you.

Add any change into your life right now whether you are choosing it or you feel it’s happening to you and it’s just too much! It tips the scales because you are already maxed out!

Balance is the key to SUCCESS in all areas of your life.

So how you can move from overwhelm and burnt out into BALANCE in the relationships most important to you?

It all starts with you.

Pick the area to reclaim that will help you the most and begin there. It’s time to get back on track in all areas! Reclaim your time, relationships, inner game and energy.

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1.    Reclaim your Abundance

What you create in your mind, you create around you. Balance begins by creating thoughts that are going to help you get where you would like to go.

Every thought you think and every word you use is creating your reality in this moment.

This moment shapes the next and things are put into motion and become reality without you even realizing it:

Pay attention to family patterns, thoughts and beliefs that are shaping your experiences and notice if they are still supporting you or if it is time for new ones.

How are fears and doubts limiting or preventing you from creating happy, fulfilling relationships?

How to Reclaim Your Abundance

Be Grateful

Being grateful is the most powerful thing you can do to overcome your fears and doubts. It immediately puts you into the present moment and attracts more of these things into your life.

First pause.

Imagine stopping or freezing the thought and let it go.

Then be grateful for something you are truly grateful for in this moment (not what you think you SHOULD be grateful for) and you’ve reclaimed your power in that moment.

I am grateful for ____________.

Use “I am” Statements

“I am” is the most powerful thing you can say. Whatever comes after is what you create.

Think about it:

  • “I am hungry.” This makes you hungrier.
  • “I am lonely.” You’ll notice you keep feeling lonelier.

Try these instead:

  • “I am peace.”
  • “I am calm.”
  • “I am free.”
  • “I am love.”
  • “I am light.”
  • “I am abundant.”

These are inner game changers for you!

Write the one that best supports you on a post-it note and put somewhere you can see throughout the day to help you reclaim your abundance and what you’re creating in your life. Keep them at 3 words! I am __________.

Remember, what you focus on is what you create. For tips to reclaim your inner game on your finances and abundance, read this – The Drive for More Money.

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2.      Reclaim your Relationships

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship.

How you treat yourself is how others will treat you. They follow your lead, you set the stage:

  • If you think you deserve a certain type of relationship or people around you that is the tribe you will attract.
  • If you believe you aren’t lovable, the people in your relationships will believe that too.
  • If you feel alone, guess what? No one can take that away from you but YOU. You’ll find yourself surrounded by people that are there but aren’t your people and you will feel alone.

Self-love and self-worth come from within. They determine how much power you feel you have. Power is an energy exchange and ideally, it is EQUAL in all your relationships.

When you find fulfillment in yourself, you are able to create relationships at work and home that are fulfilling, balanced and have boundaries.

How to Reclaim Your Relationships

Claim your truth:

Begin by knowing in your whole being, “I am love. I am light. I am safe. I am whole.”

Let go of any resistance to these statements in your body because these are your energetic truths.

Feel these “I am” statements through your body from the top of your head, through your body, down to your feet and into the Earth.


We think that people should know what we want without us telling them. The problem is they are not a mind reader. We have to communicate and one way we do that is with boundaries.

Create boundaries to let people at work and at home know what is okay and what is not. Make sure you are firm on the boundaries or people will ignore them.

An important boundary to create is around work and your personal time. Don’t work in your personal time and at work, don’t work on your personal life. Create clear times to help you be present in both areas.

Respect the boundaries that others set with you as well. Remember to treat others as you would like to be treated. For more support in this area, read Stop Searching and Find Fulfillment in Your Relationships.

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3.      Reclaim your Time

This is the number one thing I hear from successful entrepreneurs that directly affects all the other areas: “I don’t have any time.”

Yes, you are busy and your work is your passion. But somewhere along the line, work became your life.

Now you are feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Money is nice but something is missing – enjoying all the fruits of your labor, living a fulfilling life and playing.

How to Reclaim Your Time

Create a Work Schedule

Create work hours and stick to them.

Do not (no matter how tempted you are!) work in your personal time. A life outside of work is very important for you and your relationships.

Do not check email and social media outside of your designated work times. You can set times throughout the day and stick to those times.


Complete the most important tasks first and the rest will be completed as it can be.

You can intuitively tune in to see what is the most important thing each day. Each day, priorities change based upon your work’s demands and flow with that.

Be Realistic with Your Schedule

This can be a tough one for most entrepreneurs. Often you are overly ambitious with how much you can squeeze into each day.

Schedule less into each day than you think you should. This will save time for any last minute emergencies or priorities.

Only say “YES” to things you actually would like to do. Feel free to say “NO” (no explanation needed) for events and activities that you dread doing or that do not make sense for you to do.

Schedule in Time to “BE”

Schedule in time for self care. Self care is often hair, nails and massages – sometimes a facial. It’s not enough because it’s doing and not being.

You have to schedule in days that are blank!

This will allow you to rest, take time to “be“, time to flow with the day and have a break from always being scheduled and it gives you space to be present.

Stop watching time go by and start enjoying time in the present moment. You can also meditate, do daily energy work, get outside and enjoy nature or spend time with those you love.

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 4.      Reclaim your Energy

By taking time each day to get back in balance you will have more energy and a renewed purpose. You are not meant to go-go-go all the time as this leads to burn out and overwhelm.

Listen to what will best support your body and do it. The more balanced you are, the easier it is to take on any obstacles or struggles that come your way.

Your body is your compass. It will guide you, you just have to listen.

It will tell you if you need to eat, go to the bathroom, go for a walk, exercise, etc.

How to Reclaim Your Energy


Listen to what your body is asking you to do. It can be as simple as sitting down and taking a few minutes to be or just pausing and taking a deep breath.

Your body will tell you if it’s time to do some exercise, eat, sleep, etc. All you have to do is listen.


Make sure you are getting enough rest. This is important for you and those around you. 7 simple steps to help you sleep is right here.

The less sleep you get, the more likely you are to be short, crabby or annoyed. You also won’t have energy to make the best decisions.

Sleep at night is just as important as taking a nap. Listen to your body as exhaustion leads to illness and you do not have time for that!


Don’t skip meals! This leads to you grabbing easy to eat junk and often adds to weight concerns.

Eat food that nurtures your body. Prep meals or healthy snacks in advance to prevent eating junk food.

Eating also gives you time to take a break and energize, reassess and fuel up for what is next.

By reclaiming your time, you will feel present and regain your power. You didn’t go into business for yourself to be a slave to your job. What can you start doing to reclaim your time each day?

Do Energy Work Daily

A daily energy work practice is VITAL to helping you stay in balance energetically. Here is a simple yet powerful practice I teach my clients. This video series will show you how to balance your energy with White Light, how to let go of any stress and negativity you are holding onto and how to refill those areas with positive energy.

You and those around you will notice a huge shift in you when you do your daily energy work.

The energy you give off is what is attracted back to you. By reclaiming your energy and power in these four areas, you will create a shift within you that will help you create balance. What is happening within you, is reflected around you.

Success is possible in all areas of your life. Start with one shift and start reclaiming your time, relationships, abundance and energy. It starts with YOU.

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Here is a free 3 part video series to help you reclaim your abundance, relationships, time and energy. The tools are here for you.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned! All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019