
3 Hacks to Create Work-Life Balance

How will you create a work/life balance for yourself this year?

What New Year’s resolutions did you make to work LESS and play more?

Here’s the thing I want you to remember about work – it should be something you do that easily pays your bills, it may help you have more impact and there’s an added bonus if you LOVE what you do. But work is not ALL you do.

You’re not here to work ALL the time.

You’re not going to look back on your life and EVER think, I wish I worked more. But you can always look back at any time in your life and wish you played more. That’s where this work/life balance comes in.

Most high performers have a toxic relationship with their work that goes beyond time management skills, daily habits and setting healthy boundaries.

As a Spiritual Medium and Energy Strategist, I have spent decades helping my clients create their life/work balance while still moving up the corporate ladder and adding more zeros to their income. One of my clients took a high level position and continues to get raises and promotions without even trying. How did I help her? We did the inner work by addressing why she didn’t feel worthy or enough and how that showed up at work. We also created work/life balance and it was the combination that got her to where she’s at today.

Here are my top 3 hacks to create work/life balance for you:

1. Create a Work Schedule and STICK to it

I know your plate is overfull and if you keep overworking, they’ll keep giving you more work to do. Why? Because you get it done, even if you complain about it. It’s a vicious cycle.

How many hours are you paid to work?

There’s almost always a GAP in what you’re supposed to work and how many hours you actually work. Work the number of hours you’re supposed to and then STOP working.

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You are here for MORE than your work.

Also note that thinking about work is WORKING – don’t think about work outside of work hours. I had a client recently who was thinking about work while she was getting ready for work in the morning – what she had to do, solving problems, etc.

Don’t. This is your time to set your intentions for the day, to balance and align your energy so you’re working your best. If you work during your time to get ready for the day, you start your day running and it’s hard to stop that energy. Only work during your work hours. If you get an idea, jot it down to deal with during work hours.

Work only during your work hours. I’m not going to lie, it’s going to FEEL awkward at first. You overwork to prove something to someone from a long time ago. But once you stop overworking, you’ll resent it when you do and you’ll stop. That’s where you want to be.

2. Make Self-Care a Priority

You have to recharge your body just like you do your cell phone. You’re not a machine. When you make self care a priority you:

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Self-care is like oxygen to your body.
  • Feel better
  • Get sick less often
  • Have less injuries
  • Are more present
  • Have more energy
  • Are more productive
  • Are overall happier.

I had a very high performing client recently start making her self-care a priority. She physically had to after some medical issues arose that made her working come to a halt. She started to hold a firm boundary to her work hours and she even included a lunch with friends in her self care DURING the work week. She looked amazing on our last call. Amazing. She beamed with joy when I told her.

When you take care of yourself, it shows. You radiate a different energy – one that’s night and day different from trying to just get through the day.

Self-care to recharge only includes activities that give you energy back. Hair and nails do not count if you’re on your phone, working and not actively recharging. This is what you do to for appearance, not recharging.

Think about adding activities into your day like:

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Self-care will quickly recharge you.
  • Getting enough sleep at night
  • Exercising
  • Taking 30 minutes to actually eat your lunch and reflect on your schedule the rest of the day
  • Eating regular meals with good food for your body so you don’t snack on junk
  • Getting a massage and facial once a month (I do this, it’s very possible)
  • Taking 5 minutes after something stressful happens to be

What self-care will you add to your schedule to recharge? What daily habits can you create with your sleeping and eating? Let me know what you’re going to add to your self-care in the comments below.

3. Schedule JOY into Your Calendar

This is always a hard one when I first talk with a high -performer – what do you do that brings you JOY? Not others, YOU. I usually get a blank look and if I ask this in a group call, everyone is giving me a blank look back.

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Joy is found in the present moment.

Why is this such a hard question? Because you’re a doer. You do for others often to the point of exhaustion for you. This means that you make plans with friends and you cancel because you’re too tired. Typically you don’t have enough energy to do things that bring you JOY. You may not even have the energy to think about it. Or it’s so foreign because you’re a people pleaser and you’re used to pleasing others.

This has to stop. Think about things you’ve done that you enjoyed, that were fun. Is it dancing, gathering with friends, scheduling a special trip, a spa day? What is it for you? Now put it on your calendar.

Taking this to the next level for my high performers looks like NOT scheduling one whole day on the weekend. This means no laundry, no errands, no activity of any kind is planned. You wake up that day, check in with yourself and decide what you WANT to do that day. What will bring you joy today and you do it.

I’ll never forget when I introduced this to my clients at a live event. They were so mad – which is intriguing because the intent is to make their lives easier and more fulfilling – which is what this one unscheduled day does. Then I introduced this at another live event I was working at the following month- they were just as mad. Why? We’re so used to being scheduled and doing what we have to do – not what we want to do.

It’s time to make JOY an intentional part of your life again. It seems awkward, but you’ll thank me for it later. All my clients have, even the ones that got really mad at the live events. Joy is what’s missing and is an integral element to the work/life balance. It also brings you into the present moment.

Remember, work/life balance is very possible. I like to call myself a balanced high performer and my clients are well on their way to becoming balanced high performers. Make yourself a priority by having a SET work schedule, making self-care a priority and schedule joy onto your calendar at least once a week. Love you life every single day – it’s also very possible.

Relationship Problems Don’t Disappear, They Grow – How to Solve Them Instead

“I don’t want to deal with it.”

“If I ignore it, it’ll go away.”

“I don’t have the time to deal with this.”

“I don’t know what to do about ____, so I’ll just wait and see what happens.”

None of these statements will make your problems disappear. Problems don’t just disappear – they grow.

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The stories I have heard as a Spiritual Medium through the years! Something so little can quickly destroy a marriage, a partner, a work or family connection and irreparably burn bridges and it’s often completely preventable!!!

Unfortunately they often take on a life of their own and end up being way bigger than they started. The answer isn’t ignoring them – unless you want a much bigger and often unrelated problem later. The answer is ADDRESSING the problem as quickly as possible – even if you are a drama avoider.

Your focus should be on love and getting more love back into the relationship. It boils down to communication. You must communicate with the other person and listen to them. Communication is KEY and it’s the only way you will find a solution.

How to Address a Relationship Problem

  1. Listen and understand. This doesn’t mean you agree with their side, but to have a common ground, you have to understand where they are coming from just as they should understand where you are coming from. Listen to listen. Don’t just sit there thinking about what you want to say or how wrong they are. Find a common ground.
  2. Pay attention. Most people do not like confrontation and will do whatever they can to avoid it. If someone is coming to you with a problem, give it your undivided attention now and I promise you, it won’t get to be a bigger problem later. A lot of my clients do NOT like confrontation. But ignoring a problem will inevitably bring you drama and more problems. Instead, address it and move forward as quickly as possible.
  3. Speak clearly. Do not tell them what they want to hear to just make this go away. Say what you mean to say and do what you say you will do. “I feel ___”, is the most powerful statement you can give someone to help them understand where you are coming from. It’s not facts, it’s how you feel and it has to be acknowledged and addressed. People do not want to be guessing how you feel or what you’re struggling with. When you communicate real solutions, everyone is happier.
  4. Be aware of your triggers. Whenever there are relationship problems, it’s always easiest to point your finger at someone else – but this doesn’t fix, change or solve anything. Notice what you are bringing to the conversation and is it elevating the relationship or bringing it down? It is your job and responsibility to energetically be aware of what you are holding onto and why as this affects your relationships.
  5. Make a plan. The problem will not go away if you keep doing the same things repeatedly. Make a plan that you both agree to (compromise will likely be involved) and hold each other lovingly to your agreement. The goal is to move forward, not stay stuck in the past.
  6. Focus on the problem at hand. Not every problem you’ve had over the decades – each problem is addressed individually, a solution is found, and you both move forward. You only bring it up again if they aren’t doing what they committed to doing and make sure you are committed to your promises. Do not keep bringing up the same problem, especially when they bring a problem to you. This shows that you are staying stuck in the past and not willing to move forward with them.

Your relationship goal is to be happy! Not angry, bitter or scheming ways to punish the other person. That makes everyone miserable and creates more problems. Let’s get back to love, peace and happiness in your relationships.

The only way to go forwards is to stop looking backwards. Work together and stop fighting each other. The faster you address a problem, the better everyone will feel.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.

Healing Generational Patterns with a Spiritual Medium

Generational patterns run DEEP in your family just like disease processes do. What runs in your family is passed down to you but you have the power to change these patterns.

You live by these patterns often without realizing or questioning them. They are engrained into your energy.

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As a Spiritual Medium, I work with Generational Patterns often and they guide all areas of your life.

Generational Patterns shape and define your:

  • Relationships
  • Abundance
  • Time
  • Energy
  • Mindset

You will find yourself doing the things your parents did, your grandparents and so on until you start to recognize the pattern, stop it and create a new one. Just because they’ve been handed down to you, doesn’t mean they have to continue to have power over you.

What Are Generational Patterns?

Generational Patterns are most often energy patterns that are passed down to you through your biological family and they are strong patterns.

You can also pick up on Generational Patterns from those you are around a lot as a child like your care givers, role models, adopted parents, etc.

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Generational Patterns are stored energetically in a specific area of your body. It imprints into your energy and continues through the generations until you stop it and heal it in your body.

They show up in how you take risks or don’t, how you take care of your body or don’t, your abundance beliefs, your intimate partner experiences, how you spend your time, etc. Look at how you spend money, who else in your family spends it the same way? It’s a Generational Pattern.

Healing it in your body doesn’t heal it in your ancestors. They have to do the work to break these patterns in their life. But when you shift it in your life, it will affect your future generations because you changed the pattern.

Discovering Your Generational Patterns

These patterns are not only in your energy but they are taught to you at a young age often by the people who passed the energy on.

Let’s go back to your childhood. What is your EARLIEST memory about:

  • How relationships are? How to be treated in a relationship?
  • MONEY. What is your earliest belief about money? Your earliest belief spending money?
  • How to spend time? Constantly on the go? Put things off to the last minute?
  • What were you taught about energy? How to spend your energy?

Now look at how these patterns are STILL showing up in your life today! Are they working? Usually they aren’t because they aren’t yours.

Breaking Free from Your Generational Patterns

You have the power to live, create and shift your life in every moment. That includes changing the Generational Patterns in your life.

Are you ready to BREAK free from your Generational Patterns that are no longer serving you?

  1. Get objective – notice they are there and how they are guiding your life and other family members.
  2. Shift in your pivotal moment – recognize you are following the Generational Pattern. Stop going into the actions and energy of the pattern and shift in that moment.
  3. Do what you would like to do instead of what you were just routinely going to do.
  4. Create a daily energy work practice to help you clear your energy.

Just because something has been a pattern for decades for you and longer for your family, doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it when it no longer supports you. You have the power to create a life you love in every moment.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

My Unique and Untold Career Path as a Spiritual Medium

I was born a Spiritual Medium and it has affected every aspect of my life.

Growing up, I didn’t know a thing about my unique abilities as a Medium, coaching wasn’t around yet and I liked writing but becoming an author wasn’t on my radar.

My current reality wasn’t even an option. It didn’t exist to me!

I knew I wanted to help people heal and it has been a journey to do the work I do today.

How it all began…

Creating My Career

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When I was in 6th grade, I had to write a paper about what I wanted to do when I grew up.

I remember tuning in to what do I want to be when I grow up in my 6th grade classroom for my paper. I wanted to be a nurse. I immediately saw a Red Cross truck and knew I wanted to go to Europe and help with the war.

That was it. I felt the energy, I was connected to it and I saw it clearly. I was going to be a nurse. Except…

I Was Seeing a Past Life

There was no war when I was in 6th grade for me to go to Europe to support. That should have been a sign to me!

My yearbook is filled with good luck in nursing school messages. I had the grades, I had the drive and ambition but I was seeing another life. Unfortunately, I didn’t know it at the time.

A life where my husband went off to war and I left our kids to join the Red Cross and help the soldiers with the mission of finding my husband. Which I didn’t do – but I did know him in high school in this life – he was fascinated with Germany and I was not interested in dating anyone in the military. Everything comes back around so we can heal and I did.

I went to nursing school thinking I would be a Hospice Nurse and help with the transition during death for everyone involved. It seemed like a perfect fit but there wasn’t much hospice experience and I HATED clinicals.

I would find myself on the bed talking to my patients about what brought them to the hospital, what problems they had in their life and helped them create a plan to get back to the life they originally envisioned.

– None of this was nursing and nurses don’t have time to do this kind of work. They are very overworked on the floor.

Everything Changed in One Exam

In my senior year with TWO classes to go, planning my Hospice Nursing Career and move to San Diego I FAILED my nursing final.

Failing a final is weighted to fail the whole class since it’s all about being prepared for the NCLEX.

Lisa book signing at an event in July 2019

Mind you, I was an A/B student. I had never failed a test like this in my life.

As we were walking out of the exam, my study buddy (this is a real thing in nursing school) couldn’t believe I didn’t remember a single question from the test as we had studied it all together and knew all the answers. I remember her looking at me with panic in her eyes.

I told her that during the test I felt like I was floating. I kept hearing, “It’ll be okay.” I remember looking around the room. Wanting to go to the bathroom and not being able to focus on a single question.

I got the results the next day from my study buddy – I failed.

At first I was in shock – but not really. I was more concerned about what I would do now. All of my college classes were nursing school focused.

I didn’t want to wait 2 quarters and retake the class. I was being pulled to live in San Diego and when I really surrendered and tuned in to my work, I saw myself doing coaching work like my aunt was in San Jose.

I left nursing school my senior year much to my family’s dismay and began something they didn’t understand.

Claiming My Abilities & Starting My Career

Looking back, it was CRAZY what I did starting my business in 2002. I listened to what I was being guided to do intuitively and no one could tell me otherwise – although they all tried.

Lisa working at a mastermind in San Diego in February 2020.


There was no social media and I had just moved across country from Columbus, Ohio to San Diego. I only knew my uncle, his girlfriend and her family. Luckily I was very guided.

When I said I was a coach they asked volleyball or basketball because of my height. Coaching was so new in 2002.

At first I partnered up and was going after work in organizations. But I preferred the individual and supporting them in letting go and clearing their energy.

I finished my degree after beginning again almost from scratch. I got my Bachelors degree from California State University San Marcos and had a 4.0 every semester! My degree focused on communication, sociology and psychology – all subjects relevant to the work I do today.

I stepped into my power, my abilities, I built a clientele basis and a following.

Creating My Programs

After 15 years of a session here, a session there or small mini packages, I was frustrated. The work I was doing wasn’t moving them forward, they were not getting enough to support to move forward. It was more of a fix me right now session.

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I realized that in order to truly create the change my clients were seeking and support them, I had to offer packages. While a session made them feel amazing, the programs help them reach their goals and up-level their lives quickly and easily.

You are here and that means you are healing stuff.

Healing layers of old hurt, past lives, family patterns and more is what you are here to do. You’ll clear out some in one session. But when you’re looking at millions of lives and only being able to clear what YOU are ready to heal in this moment, that is not the work of one session here, one session there.

Programs give you the support and scheduled sessions to up-level your energy and your experiences. The shifts are powerful!

Being a Spiritual Medium Today

I don’t come across people in my life that don’t believe in what I do anymore. They exist but they aren’t in my vibration.

I do have family that still isn’t exactly sure what I do and with them I get to be on break. They don’t pull on me or ask anything of me energetically.

My clients however, they are drawn to me.

I have found my path and the nursing education helps me when my clients have health issues to see what is happening physically and energetically.

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I am grateful for the experiences that have led me to where I am now. The work I do is powerful and life changing. While I took the career path less traveled, it was exactly what I was guided to do.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020


I don’t have TIME.

What you’re really saying:

  • I don’t have boundaries.
  • I don’t prioritize.
  • I can’t say no.
  • What I want to do isn’t important.
  • I don’t make time for me.
  • I’m busy proving that I am worthy, enough and love.

So the next time you want to say, “I don’t have time.” I want you to look at this list and pay attention to what you’re really saying.

Because you DO have time.

86,400 seconds EVERY day. The question is are you spending them in ways that bring you JOY?

Time is a commodity and you want to consciously spend it.

Here are 4 simple practices that will help you EXPAND time so you can start enjoying this amazing life you’ve been creating.

1. Implement More Self-Care

When you’re on an airplane they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then you can help others. This is so true for all areas in your life!

If you are tired, overwhelmed and exhausted you do not have the energy for everything else you want to do in work and in life. And time flies by! Did you ever notice that?

Make time for self-care so you can be more present and in the moment.

Self-care can include exercising, getting enough sleep at night, having a date night, reading a book for pleasure – not learning, eating foods that support your body, a massage, facial, meditation, an energy work practice and so much more.

What self-care would best support you right now? Make sure you get it scheduled on your weekends and into packed work days to help you expand your time.

2. Create Routines

Routines tell you what to do at certain times of the day. They help you expand time because you don’t waste time thinking about what you need to do and when. You just do them and get them done.

Create routines that will best support you with your goals:

  • Want to stay more balanced? Create a morning routine to help you start your day in balance. Added bonus – you’ll feel better and you won’t feel so rushed.
  • Trying to fall asleep at night? It is such a waste of time! If you want to fall asleep easily and without medication create an evening routine to help you drift into dreamland quickly. There’s a reason you had a bedtime routine as a child! Sleep is key to making sure that you are present and energized throughout the day. If you’re tired, you waste that time not being as focused or productive.
  • The same is true for eating healthy, exercising, doing hobbies you love. Create a routine that will give you more time in the areas you are working on.

What routines would help support you and give you more time?

3. Balance Your Schedule

I know you love your work and that you are driven BUT your goal wasn’t to work all the time. Your goal was to have a freedom lifestyle – one where you actually get to enjoy all these things you’ve worked so hard for!

Your vision wasn’t to live for your weekends and vacations. When you do that, you’re too tired to enjoy them and they go by way too fast! Plus you usually end up plugging into work anyhow.

Instead create a work schedule and STICK to it!

Look at your calendar at the beginning of the month and each week and look at how it is balanced or not. Each morning look at your schedule and hold firm to your start and stop times for work. Don’t overbook, instead leave intentional spaces for those last minute priorities.

By creating a balanced schedule, you won’t feel rushed and you’ll be able to get in all the things you want to do. You’ll expand your time for things you want and love to do!

4. Say “NO” More Often

When you say no to something, you are saying yes to something for you.

How? Because you spend a lot of your day saying yes to things that take away time for you to do the things you wanted to do for yourself. It’s the only thing you can take away from to squeeze this “thing” in.

By saying NO, you say yes to that walk, a book, a reasonable bedtime. See where I’m going with this?

What can you say no to and reclaim more time in your day?

Not having time is a choice.

You have so much power over how you spend your time. What will you start doing differently? How will you start to reclaim your most precious commodity – time?

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

Why You Should Say NO More Often

I bet you say “yes” to things because you think you should.

Perhaps to even make someone else happy (which you don’t have the power to do – so stop doing that!)

You say “yes” for the other person while you inwardly cringe and cross off your list something you really did want to do but now you can’t.

What would change if you said NO instead?

  • Would you have more time?
  • Do more things you actually want to do?
  • Feel better about your schedule?
  • Get some much needed self-care in?

Think about it this way – when you say “no” to something, you are saying “yes” to something for you.

After all, there is only so much time in a day.

I Don’t Have Enough TIME

This is the biggest complaint I hear: “I don’t have enough time.”

Time is a commodity. It is more precious than money because you can’t get more of it.

You spend a lot of your day saying “yes” to things that take you away from the things you actually wanted to do.

When you say “yes” to your already busy schedule, you either have to take out something you really wanted to do or you lose time for yourself at the end of the day.


But by saying ‘no”, you say yes to that walk, a book, a reasonable bedtime, time to “be” or whatever it is that you want to do for yourself.

See where I’m going with this?

Start Saying “NO”

When someone invites you to do something you DON’T want to do, the best thing you can do is say “no.”

Notice there is no excuse here. You’re not ignoring them or leaving them in limbo. Just say, “No.” Or “No thank you.”


Here’s the thing, no one wants you at something you don’t want to be at. You mess with the vibe of the event. And when you don’t want to be there, everyone knows you don’t want to be there. So save all this trouble and start saying “no.”

It feels awkward at first but I promise it gets easier once you realize what you can do instead during that time!

Most of the time, they don’t care that you said no. (Now if they pressure you once you say you don’t want to go, then you should really look at why they’re trying to pressure you and decide to go from there. Maybe even read this article on boundaries.)

The bonus in saying “no” is that you have more time and energy to actually do things you want to do. Maybe you get to sleep at a decent hour. Or you get to read a book you’ve been wanting to start.

Pause Before You Say “Yes”

Before you say “yes”, ask yourself do I:

  • Want to do this?
  • Have time to do this?
  • Have the energy to do this?
  • Have to give up something else I want to do in order to do this?

Don’t respond until you’ve decided if you really want to do it or not – but don’t forget to respond. (Not responding puts a strain on your energy.)

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Remember, you get to decide how to spend your time.

Spend your time wisely. Say “no” more often so you can say “yes” to the things you really want to do.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

3 Simple Ways to Reclaim Your Power

It doesn’t matter how successful you are, you can name at least one way you handed over your power and felt awful about it without thinking too hard with your clients, in your relationships, or even with a complete stranger.

You have old patterns and beliefs that allow you to hand over your power in certain situations. It’s almost like clock work. Your trigger happens and you hand over your power, without even realizing it happened.

And then you feel awful.

The key to creating a shift is to recognize that you have the power in each moment to create a new ending, to change how this story goes. In every moment you begin anew.

To create a shift and reclaim your power, these are the 3 things you MUST do in that moment or right after (in case you fell into your old patterns):

# 1 Be Clear

  1. This is where you say what you actually mean to say.
  2. You do what it is that you would like to do.

Stop people pleasing in that moment. This hands your power over on a silver platter. You know where this leads you and it is no longer supporting you.

  • Don’t play small. Don’t fall into those old patterns.
  • Catch yourself in the moment before you speak or act, as the incident is happening or immediately after the incident has happened.
  • Watch your energy exchanges like you are a bystander. The moment you start to feel bad, awful, or icky in an interaction, know that is your signal that you’re handing over your power and it is time to fix it. Immediately.
  • Catch yourself and say and do what you would like to do. If you found yourself handing over your power, your best energy move is to fix it RIGHT away – the moment you realize that you handed over your power.

Communication is the number one way people hand over their power. What will you do differently?

# 2 Hold Boundaries

Boundaries are YOUR way of telling people what is okay and what isn’t. If you don’t tell them, they don’t know. They aren’t mind readers and what is okay for another relationship may not be okay for you.

  • If you are new to drawing boundaries, read this article to help you get started.
  • When someone does not respect your boundaries, then you get to decide how to respond to their future interactions with you. You have the power.

By creating and holding those boundaries you’ve created, you reclaim your power. Who do you need to create boundaries with AND how will you hold those boundaries if they don’t adhere right away?

# 3 Stop Taking Everything Personally

When you think everything is about you – you are handing over your power to so much drama and chaos.

It is time to get objective. This allows you to be clear and realize what is your “junk” and what is someone else’s.

When you step back and get objective, like you’re watching the situation on tv, you can look at what is really going on.

  • Does this have anything to do with you?
  • Are you adding your past experience and triggers to this situation?
  • What is really happening in this other person’s life right now?
  • Is this even about YOU??? Hint, it’s probably not so don’t hand over your power trying to make someone else feel better. It doesn’t work anyhow…

Before you react – pause, breath and then respond. You’ll act more objectively and you’ll stop giving away your power.


The best way to stay in your place of power is to not hand it over in the first place. The next best thing to do is to catch yourself before you hand it over or right after you hand it over and use the tools above to reclaim it.

In every moment, you begin anew. You can change the interaction and reclaim your power. You’re not serving anyone by handing over your power, so stop doing it for YOU.

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If you would like a daily reference guide to help you reclaim your time, relationships, inner game and energy, you can get it here.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned!  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

3 Self-Sabotaging Patterns that Cripple Your Revenue & Relationships

Entrepreneurs are special people. They are driven, innovative and adaptive.

The problem is that most entrepreneurs find they aren’t really enjoying the amazing life they’re creating because work goes from being a passion to being everything without even realizing it.

They also get stuck in the mindset they had when they started their business and don’t acknowledge how far they’ve come.

What got you to 6 figures energetically will not get you to 7+ figures.

There are 3 Self-Sabotaging Patterns at the heart of your Success Wound™ that I see driving every successful entrepreneur that cripple your revenue and relationships. Get objective and look at what is driving you. Are you proving:

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1. I Am Worthy

Do you find yourself trying to prove that you are worthy in your work and relationships:

  • Trying to please other people
  • You feel better spending money on other people than yourself
  • Put others needs above your own
  • Do lots of work for free or low balling it, trying to prove your worth and not feeling like you’re succeeding

2. I Am Enough

Do you find yourself trying to prove that you are enough in your work and relationships:

  • Buying yourself stuff isn’t the problem, you struggle with enjoying it – buyers remorse
  • You can put your needs first but find you can’t meet them
  • Doesn’t matter what goals you crush, the moment you meet it, you’re onto the next one. It’s like you’re on a never-ending hamster wheel and its exhausting…you don’t ever feel like you’re enough or you’re doing enough

3. I Am Love

Do you find yourself trying to prove that you are love in your work and relationships:

  • In relationships, you don’t feel loved or appreciated and you’re constantly seeking it
  • You feel bad when others buy you stuff. You may even find you can be an emotional shopper.
  • By putting others needs above your own you feel resentful and empty and have no energy left. Seeking love makes you feel needy and desperate in work and relationships

Reclaim Your Power

While these beliefs can drive you to increase your income at first as you are proving yourself, they become what limits your income and relationships because they aren’t creating the happiness you are seeking ANYWHERE.

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You reach a point where you become a slave to the drive that is pushing you to be worthy, enough and/or love.

Your work becomes a place where you can prove “I am worthy. I am enough. I am love.” but you don’t feel better or heal this without doing the work within because even when you HAVE the money, impact and success you don’t feel like you have it!

You have to get to the root of what is driving you (your Success Wound™), nothing external will fix this long term:

  • Energy cannot be manipulated.
  • What you think and believe, you become.
  • I am worthy. I am enough. I am love. These are your Universal Truths. Anything telling you otherwise, has to go. It’s time to energetically heal it and allow it to be your truth. You don’t have to prove you are these things because you ARE.
  • Abundance is a focus on plenty and enough for everyone, not LACK.

If you are successful, you are successful.

BUT if you think you are successful and a minute later think you don’t have any money coming in and I’m going to lose everything or not be able to retire – that’s the energy you are creating. You cripple your revenue with energy stagnation. Stop putting the brakes on your abundance, this is messing with your money, time, relationships and energy.

How to Stop Self-Sabotaging Your Success

You can continue to scale your business without being driven to exhaustion anymore.

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  • This constant drive to achieve more, do more, prove more is what I call your Success Wound™ and you can learn how to heal it here.
  • You are worthy. You are enough. You are love. Create an energy practice that you do everyday! This will help you connect with these crucial “I am” statements and create a shift in your income and relationships.
  • Reclaim your abundance mindset. You are an abundant being living in an abundant Universe. Stop believing anything less.

You have the power to make as much or as little money, impact and success as you would like. You can enjoy it or you can continue to operate from a place of lack.

Lack is a choice you no longer have to choose. Choose to live and focus on what you have and what you are, these are truths and they will change your revenue and relationships for the better: I am worthy. I am enough. I am love.

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Ready for some support to heal your Success Wound™? You can book a Connection Call with Lisa here to see how she can best support you.

You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.   All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019

4 Quick and Powerful Shifts from Overwhelm into Balance

As a successful entrepreneur and a Spiritual Medium, Healer & Coach, I hear these things all the time:

  • My to-do list is never ending.
  • There is so much on my plate, I don’t even know where to begin.
  • My business is so busy, I don’t have time for anything for me – like lunch, a date or a full night’s sleep.
  • How can I stay focused, confident and on top of everything in my relationships and in my business?
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You want to be everything to everyone but you have so much on your plate.

I get it!

While you can manage being out of balance for a little bit of time, it’s not sustainable and it doesn’t work long term for you or those around you.

Add any change into your life right now whether you are choosing it or you feel it’s happening to you and it’s just too much! It tips the scales because you are already maxed out!

Balance is the key to SUCCESS in all areas of your life.

So how you can move from overwhelm and burnt out into BALANCE in the relationships most important to you?

It all starts with you.

Pick the area to reclaim that will help you the most and begin there. It’s time to get back on track in all areas! Reclaim your time, relationships, inner game and energy.

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1.    Reclaim your Abundance

What you create in your mind, you create around you. Balance begins by creating thoughts that are going to help you get where you would like to go.

Every thought you think and every word you use is creating your reality in this moment.

This moment shapes the next and things are put into motion and become reality without you even realizing it:

Pay attention to family patterns, thoughts and beliefs that are shaping your experiences and notice if they are still supporting you or if it is time for new ones.

How are fears and doubts limiting or preventing you from creating happy, fulfilling relationships?

How to Reclaim Your Abundance

Be Grateful

Being grateful is the most powerful thing you can do to overcome your fears and doubts. It immediately puts you into the present moment and attracts more of these things into your life.

First pause.

Imagine stopping or freezing the thought and let it go.

Then be grateful for something you are truly grateful for in this moment (not what you think you SHOULD be grateful for) and you’ve reclaimed your power in that moment.

I am grateful for ____________.

Use “I am” Statements

“I am” is the most powerful thing you can say. Whatever comes after is what you create.

Think about it:

  • “I am hungry.” This makes you hungrier.
  • “I am lonely.” You’ll notice you keep feeling lonelier.

Try these instead:

  • “I am peace.”
  • “I am calm.”
  • “I am free.”
  • “I am love.”
  • “I am light.”
  • “I am abundant.”

These are inner game changers for you!

Write the one that best supports you on a post-it note and put somewhere you can see throughout the day to help you reclaim your abundance and what you’re creating in your life. Keep them at 3 words! I am __________.

Remember, what you focus on is what you create. For tips to reclaim your inner game on your finances and abundance, read this – The Drive for More Money.

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2.      Reclaim your Relationships

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship.

How you treat yourself is how others will treat you. They follow your lead, you set the stage:

  • If you think you deserve a certain type of relationship or people around you that is the tribe you will attract.
  • If you believe you aren’t lovable, the people in your relationships will believe that too.
  • If you feel alone, guess what? No one can take that away from you but YOU. You’ll find yourself surrounded by people that are there but aren’t your people and you will feel alone.

Self-love and self-worth come from within. They determine how much power you feel you have. Power is an energy exchange and ideally, it is EQUAL in all your relationships.

When you find fulfillment in yourself, you are able to create relationships at work and home that are fulfilling, balanced and have boundaries.

How to Reclaim Your Relationships

Claim your truth:

Begin by knowing in your whole being, “I am love. I am light. I am safe. I am whole.”

Let go of any resistance to these statements in your body because these are your energetic truths.

Feel these “I am” statements through your body from the top of your head, through your body, down to your feet and into the Earth.


We think that people should know what we want without us telling them. The problem is they are not a mind reader. We have to communicate and one way we do that is with boundaries.

Create boundaries to let people at work and at home know what is okay and what is not. Make sure you are firm on the boundaries or people will ignore them.

An important boundary to create is around work and your personal time. Don’t work in your personal time and at work, don’t work on your personal life. Create clear times to help you be present in both areas.

Respect the boundaries that others set with you as well. Remember to treat others as you would like to be treated. For more support in this area, read Stop Searching and Find Fulfillment in Your Relationships.

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3.      Reclaim your Time

This is the number one thing I hear from successful entrepreneurs that directly affects all the other areas: “I don’t have any time.”

Yes, you are busy and your work is your passion. But somewhere along the line, work became your life.

Now you are feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Money is nice but something is missing – enjoying all the fruits of your labor, living a fulfilling life and playing.

How to Reclaim Your Time

Create a Work Schedule

Create work hours and stick to them.

Do not (no matter how tempted you are!) work in your personal time. A life outside of work is very important for you and your relationships.

Do not check email and social media outside of your designated work times. You can set times throughout the day and stick to those times.


Complete the most important tasks first and the rest will be completed as it can be.

You can intuitively tune in to see what is the most important thing each day. Each day, priorities change based upon your work’s demands and flow with that.

Be Realistic with Your Schedule

This can be a tough one for most entrepreneurs. Often you are overly ambitious with how much you can squeeze into each day.

Schedule less into each day than you think you should. This will save time for any last minute emergencies or priorities.

Only say “YES” to things you actually would like to do. Feel free to say “NO” (no explanation needed) for events and activities that you dread doing or that do not make sense for you to do.

Schedule in Time to “BE”

Schedule in time for self care. Self care is often hair, nails and massages – sometimes a facial. It’s not enough because it’s doing and not being.

You have to schedule in days that are blank!

This will allow you to rest, take time to “be“, time to flow with the day and have a break from always being scheduled and it gives you space to be present.

Stop watching time go by and start enjoying time in the present moment. You can also meditate, do daily energy work, get outside and enjoy nature or spend time with those you love.

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4.      Reclaim your Energy

By taking time each day to get back in balance you will have more energy and a renewed purpose. You are not meant to go-go-go all the time as this leads to burn out and overwhelm.

Listen to what will best support your body and do it. The more balanced you are, the easier it is to take on any obstacles or struggles that come your way.

Your body is your compass. It will guide you, you just have to listen.

It will tell you if you need to eat, go to the bathroom, go for a walk, exercise, etc.

How to Reclaim Your Energy


Listen to what your body is asking you to do. It can be as simple as sitting down and taking a few minutes to be or just pausing and taking a deep breath.

Your body will tell you if it’s time to do some exercise, eat, sleep, etc. All you have to do is listen.


Make sure you are getting enough rest. This is important for you and those around you. 7 simple steps to help you sleep is right here.

The less sleep you get, the more likely you are to be short, crabby or annoyed. You also won’t have energy to make the best decisions.

Sleep at night is just as important as taking a nap. Listen to your body as exhaustion leads to illness and you do not have time for that!


Don’t skip meals! This leads to you grabbing easy to eat junk and often adds to weight concerns.

Eat food that nurtures your body. Prep meals or healthy snacks in advance to prevent eating junk food.

Eating also gives you time to take a break and energize, reassess and fuel up for what is next.

By reclaiming your time, you will feel present and regain your power. You didn’t go into business for yourself to be a slave to your job. What can you start doing to reclaim your time each day?

Do Energy Work Daily

A daily energy work practice is VITAL to helping you stay in balance energetically. Here is a simple yet powerful practice I teach my clients. This video series will show you how to balance your energy with White Light, how to let go of any stress and negativity you are holding onto and how to refill those areas with positive energy.

You and those around you will notice a huge shift in you when you do your daily energy work.

The energy you give off is what is attracted back to you. By reclaiming your energy and power in these four areas, you will create a shift within you that will help you create balance. What is happening within you, is reflected around you.

Success is possible in all areas of your life. Start with one shift and start reclaiming your time, relationships, abundance and energy. It starts with YOU.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey. All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019

7 Easy Tips to Simplify Your Workday

How does your calendar look for the week? The month? As a Spiritual Medium, Healer & Coach I feel your pain, literally! So let’s focus this question and make it less overwhelming…

What does your work schedule look like today?

Chances are, your list is longer than the hours in your work day. Even by working more than 8 hours, your list will most likely not get completed today and things will get added that are unforeseen. The more you cram into each day hurts YOU!

You live in a society of go, go, go and over plan your days to the max…until you can’t any longer. Eventually you will burn out, if you haven’t already. Most people come to me when they have reached their breaking point but there are ways to stop this from happening.

Sometimes you have control over your schedule, sometimes you don’t but there are things within your day that you DO have control over.

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The question is: Are you READY to live and work in a more balanced way?

As crazy as this may seem, you get to choose how overworked you are. You absolutely do!

You know where your current path is going to lead you. You have heard the saying, “No one ever says on their deathbed that they wished they worked more.” Since I can see and talk with spirits, I can absolutely verify this from before they cross over, during their transition and after they have crossed over. They never wish they worked more or had more money. Ever! Once they cross over, they wonder why we do what we do, the irony! They wish they had spent their time better.

Your life is about your experiences, creating memories (because those you WILL take with you) and living your truth.

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7 Tips to Help You Stop Cramming so Much into Your Workday:

  • Be REALISTIC with your daily schedule. Schedule in less than what you think you can actually accomplish and leave space for important last minute things that have to happen today.
  • LUNCH is important, so schedule it into your calendar! You will be so much more productive after you fuel your body and you take a little break from work.
  • PRIORITIZE. Complete the most important tasks first and the rest will be completed as it can be. You can intuitively tune in to see what is the most important thing each day. Each day, priorities change based upon your company’s demands.
  • FLOW through your day. When things come up, pause, breathe and let go of how you expected the day to go (this is why you leave space in your schedule!) The more you flow, the more you will accomplish.
  • Color code tasks so you can look at the day, week and month and see where things are out of whack so you can adjust your schedule as needed. This really helps you put each week and the whole month into perspective!
  • This one also carries into your personal life, say YES to things you actually want to do and NO to things you do not! You cannot be everything to everybody, it’s physically impossible. Do what you can and delegate the things you cannot.
  • Schedule time each day to BE. I know this sounds crazy with everything you are doing, but it is very important for you to create a space for you to connect with your body, mind, spirit and emotions. This will help keep you from feeling overwhelmed, it will give you space to put everything into perspective and help you refocus.

What can you start implementing right now to make your days more productive and balanced? If you need help getting your life back into balance, I’m just a message away!

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.   All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2018