
Why the Hustle is a SHORT Term Solution

If the hustle is only sustainable short term energetically, emotionally and physically, why do we do it for years? Decades even?

Because it’s encouraged in our society. You are told from a very early age:

  • You want to be successful, you need to hustle.
  • You want to make a big impact or income, you have to hustle.
  • If you want to do anything in this life, you better hustle.

Understanding the Hustle

Let’s start with the definition of HUSTLE:

Verb: obtain by forceful action or persuasion.

Noun: busy movement and activity.

Physically, emotionally and energetically neither definition is SUSTAINABLE.

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Yet the hustle is glorified and ingrained in our society for centuries, especially if you’re career driven:

  • “Without hustle, talent will only carry you so far.” – Gary Vaynerchuk
  • “I’d rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9 to 5.” – Unknown
  • “Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it away from you” – Mark Cuban
  • “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” – Abraham Lincoln

This has created a REAL problem that no one thinks they can change. After all, success is defined by who is hustling the most.

The hustle has become a work lifestyle and it is such a myth because the hustle is not sustainable by anyone. Anyone…

When is the Hustle No Longer Supporting Me?

The hustle can work, but only SHORT TERM. You will know when the hustle is starting to hurt you.

You’ll notice:

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  • Your relationships are struggling or non-existent
  • You are sick often or keep injuring yourself
  • Putting on weight and unhappy with your body image
  • You’re exhausted and sleep is difficult
  • Life and time is literally flying by you
  • You’re not fulfilled, enjoying life, or able to relax at the end of the day.

You get to decide what success means to you. Hustling does not guarantee success. You can hustle without success. You can have success without hustling.

What is your definition of success?

  • Is it by how much you hustle and how exhausted you are? (If so, you may want to stop reading here!)
  • Is it by how much you enjoy this amazing life you’ve created?
  • Do you define success by achieving milestones you’ve set?
  • Are you living YOUR definition of success?

Most successful entrepreneurs are not. They find that they got stuck in the pattern to hustle and keep scaling and they just keep doing what they know. But there is another way!

You Can Have Success without the Hustle

Oprah is the DEFINITION of the American dream and I challenge you to find a quote where she says the hustle is the answer to success. Seriously, I would love to see it.

“It makes no difference how many peaks you reach if there was no pleasure in the climb.” ― Oprah Winfrey

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“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ― Oprah Winfrey

“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you. ”― Oprah Winfrey

If Oprah is the definition of success and #10 in America’s richest SELF made women, she has a show on OWN called “Live By the Hustle, Die by the Hustle”, and she talks more about the journey and your intuition that the hustle….the HUSTLE is not the only way to achieve massive success!

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You can scale, enjoy your life and stop living by the hustle! The hustle is proven to be your path to exhaustion, overwhelm and burn out.

You have the power to reclaim your life and live a life you love.

As a successful entrepreneur that has been in business since 2002, I absolutely get it. I know how this started for you. When you first start your business there is so much to do AND you have to do it all, unless you have investors and you can hire a team, but even then it’s very easy to step into these beliefs (myths):

  • I have to do everything!
  • My work is my priority.

Eventually: the goals aren’t enough, your relationships take the toll, your health isn’t great and OVERWHELM, EXHAUSTION and BURNOUT become your way of living. It doesn’t sound very “successful” or like the life you envisioned you would create, does it??

Shifting from Hustle to Balance

There isn’t one area for you to focus on to create a shift from a hustling lifestyle back into what you originally wanted, a freedom lifestyle.

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What I have found to stop the hustle and truly get back to being successful in ALL areas of your life, there are 4 areas for you to focus on, 4 patterns for YOU to shift.

  • Time – you just don’t have enough of it
  • Relationships – aren’t fulfilling or are non-existent
  • Inner game & Abundance – it doesn’t matter how successful you are or how many goals you hit, you HAVE to do more
  • Energy – you don’t have any to do anything outside of work

Everyone wants a quick fix, but your thoughts, beliefs, fears, family patterns and past life experiences have gotten you to where you are today. AND it took time to get here.

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Instead of thinking, breathing and living work, start thinking about what will bring me joy:

  • What can I do today?
  • How can I have fun this month?
  • What days can I block out for self-care?
  • Who do I want to schedule in to spend time with?

The hustle is no longer working. You know. You’ve been doing it and it’s not right anymore.

I live, breathe and teach another way to reach your goals without the constant hustle and it works for me, my family and my clients.

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You can scale your income without the hustle. Interested?! I invite you to connect with me and find your path to success in all areas of your life, not just work.

The hustle is not your friend. Balance is.

Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2020

4 Steps to Heal Your Success Wound

-How to balance it all so you can actually have it all!

What I hear from successful, high-level entrepreneurs, they:

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  • Don’t feel they have it all
  • Worried all the time about work, retirement, family, friends
  • Not focused on what they have – constantly focused on next goal
  • Overwhelmed, exhausted, feel trapped in this lifestyle

Successful entrepreneurs out there – do you FEEL like you have it all?

The majority of people I talk to say, “No.” I find they are very focused on what they don’t have, even if they have 6+ figures sitting in the bank.

You cannot continue to up-level in your business with your Success Wound driving you.

Step 1 – What is Your Success Wound?

This is YOUR energetic drive for more. No matter how much money and success is already in your life – it is never enough.

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Your Success Wound keeps PUSHING you to:

  • Make more
  • Create more
  • Do more
  • Be more
  • More, more, more

Can you relate to that? I bet you can!

Your Success Wound™ HAD a purpose. It did drive you and got you to where you are today.


  • You absolutely love your work, it is your PASSION.
  • You are overwhelmed & exhausted. There is no time or ENERGY for life outside of work.
  • You have more money, more success and more impact but something is “off”.
  • You are not fulfilled and definitely are not living the entrepreneur lifestyle you dreamed you would be living.

Your Success Wound™ PREVENTS you from enjoying your success. The drive that once fueled you is no longer working or supporting you in your goals. It now prevents you from ENJOYING YOUR SUCCESS.

Step 2 – 4 Ways to Create Balance & True Fulfillment in your Life

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In all my calls and sessions through the years, these are the 4 areas that entrepreneurs are struggling with: time, relationships, abundance and energy.

# 1 –  Reclaim Your Time

Funny how you become an entrepreneur to have control of what you do, when you do it and who you get to work with and then you don’t have enough time.

It is time to RECLAIM your TIME. You do this by:

  • Creating a work day schedule and sticking to it (no working outside those hours!)
  • Having a morning routine that starts your day in balance
  • Pause midday to eat lunch (not a working lunch with meetings and emails) but time to reflect on your day and course correct
  • Schedule in the people you want to spend time with
  • Schedule in a walk or exercise each day
  • Create a bedtime routine (you had one when you were younger and it worked!)

The problem is that when you try to cram too much into a day it literally feels like it flies by. By beginning and ending your day with routines that help you calm, center and balance your energy and implementing in some of the tips above, you won’t feel like time is rushing by you.

# 2 – Reclaim Your Relationships

The number one complaint I hear about is not having enough time, but when your relationships aren’t working or falling apart…this is when people come to me for support and guidance.

Relationships are important. They are your community and support. And if we’re being really honest, you do not want to be alone.

The problem so many successful entrepreneurs have is that so much energy goes into work, there is not enough time and energy left for anything else.

Make sure you are making time to:

  • Do things for you – things that nourish you and that you enjoy
  • Spend making memories with people you actually want to be around

Stop searching and find relationship fulfillment here.

# 3 – Reclaim Your Abundance & Inner Game

This is more than money – this is what drives you. This is where your Success Wound is constantly telling you that you need more, more, more!

Your abundance is typically driven by fears of not having enough, being enough, or doing enough. Here’s the thing, fears and abundance do not go together. Fears are coming from a place of lack and abundance comes from a place of plenty.

You have to get control of whatever is telling you that what you are doing is not enough, otherwise you will find yourself unfulfilled and burned out. You didn’t come this far to stop now. Reclaim your abundance mindset!

# 4 – Reclaim Your Energy

Yes, you are tired. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. At your breaking point. I know, I hear it ALL the time! This is how you know it is time to do something different. You cannot continue at this pace.

Listen to your body, it guides you and tells you when to rest, play, eat and work.

Stop trying to cram too much into your day. Create an energy work practice that supports you and helps you balance and center as needed throughout the day.

Step 3 – What is it ENERGETICALLY that keeps you operating from your Success Wound™?

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Your Success Wound™ starts in your CHILDHOOD.

Energetically you either:

  • Came in with this belief.
  • Your family taught you this belief.

Which is it for you?

What happened in YOUR life at an early age to create this drive?

What is the FIRST thing that pops into your mind? Is it that you had to PROVE yourself? Do you feel worthy? Do you feel like you are enough? Do you do enough?

How can you take care of yourself – not just external things but internal too. You have to become aware of the energy that is driving you. This is your why. But the question is – is this still valid?

Your Success Wound™ is showing up energetically in your life right now, in this moment.

Knowing what caused your Success Wound™, how is it also affecting your:

  • Business
  • Relationships
  • Energy (worthy, enough, exhausted, overwhelmed)

It is important to get to the root of what is driving you to do more, create more, be more. More, more, more.

It is different for each person, but it usually stems around proving yourself. “I’ll show you.” Right? But since this is no longer working and supporting you, your business or those around you – it is time to LET IT GO.

Step 4 – How to HEAL your Success Wound

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Your Success Wound™ had a purpose. It has gotten you to where you are today. This has been your drive but nothing you do is ENOUGH.

Your Success Wound™ is hurting you because nothing you do is enough and now you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and unfulfilled.

It is time to feel fulfilled, supported, happy and at peace with your accomplishments. You keep hitting goals and you’ve been so focused on what is next that you don’t realize where you are now. You do not appreciate your success, you focus on what you still have to do.

Appreciate where you are and where you came from. You have more money. You have more success. You have more impact.

Stop focusing on external things and focus on what is internally driving you. Give yourself permission to heal your Success Wound™. It is time:

  1. Create a safe space with White Light.
  2. Let it go.
  3. Refill your thoughts and body with positive “I am” statements.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am enough.
  • I am love.

4. Create healthy boundaries.

You can also check out this article I wrote with more details on 3 Self-Sabotaging Patterns that Cripple Your Revenue & Relationships. This is another layer of this article.

Now that you know what was driving you, you can name it, claim it and change it. Success can be fulfilling in ALL areas of your amazing life.

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Ready for some support to heal your Success Wound™? You can book a Connection Call with Lisa to see what program will best support you to heal your Success Wound™ so you can LOVE this amazing life you’ve been so busy creating.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019