
4 Must Have Boundaries

Boundaries are essential. They protect you without energetically building walls and forts.

I hear so often that people are afraid to set boundaries, they don’t want to impose on others or they don’t even know that they can set boundaries…and they feel powerless.

Here’s the thing – if you don’t set boundaries people do not know what is okay or how you would like to be treated. Most people are not mind readers.

Boundaries are a form of self-respect, worth and value. If you keep finding yourself struggling and getting triggered by the same things, I guarantee you that you don’t have boundaries in place.

Think of boundaries as guidelines for people to know what you expect in your relationships with them.

These are the 4 Must Have Boundaries to put into place right now:

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#1 For Your Time

Time is your most precious resource and the number one thing I hear people need more of. We all have the same amount of hours in the day, what differs is how we spend those hours and if we spend them HOW we want to spend them.

Set a boundary: Create a schedule for your work and personal time and adhere to it. When people come to you outside of your work hours for work, let them know when you will be able to help them.

The same is true with your personal time. Schedule in time with the people you want to see and make sure you block out time for YOU to recharge.

Also set boundaries around your social media time as well – you know that can be a huge time drain!

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#2 For Your Relationships

Relationship problems or drama can so easily steer you out of balance.

By creating boundaries in your relationships it lets people know what behavior is okay and what is not. A lot of times, people do not know what the boundaries are because you have not set any. What is a problem for you may be okay with someone else.

Many relationship problems stem from people being upset at how they are being treated, but they continually let it happen – change this by setting a boundary!

Set a boundary: If you don’t know how to set boundaries with the people in your life, start by paying attention to what TRIGGERS you in your relationships. That is where you need to tell people not to do that behavior.

You can ask people not to do something, not hang out with them or give the relationship space. Make sure you hold firm to the boundaries, otherwise there is no point in setting them. You can still be around them and take the tips from #3 – don’t take on their energy.

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#3 For Your Energy

Do you have people or situations that drain you? You feel completely exhausted after them – that’s because they are draining your energy and you are letting it happen.

Set a boundary: Instead, know that they can do whatever they want energetically, but you imagine their energy bouncing right off of you and back to them. You do not do this in a mean or malicious way, rather an indifferent way. You simply do not let their energy imprint on you or have an effect on you.

It is like you are a mirror and it bounces off of you and right back onto them in the same way they gave it to you, allowing you to keep your energy balanced.

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#4 For Your Abundance

Abundance is a powerful energy providing you with miracles, synchronicity and support. Do not let people trample on your abundance or take advantage of you.

Abundance is more than money. It is love, opportunities, support, relationships, and basically anything that is appearing in your life at this moment.

Set a boundary: Most people need to create boundaries around not allowing people into your life that just want to drain your abundance.

Sometimes that includes your past beliefs, patterns and expectations that are no longer serving you so notice where you are preventing your own abundance.

Do not give out your abundance to things you do not believe in or because you feel you have to, do it when you want to or feel inspired instead.

It is time for you to take back your power in these areas.

Boundary setting absolutely goes both ways, so make sure you respect the boundaries that others set with you. If someone is setting a boundary, they have a reason for it. Something has happened that has made this boundary important, whether it was something someone else has done or something you have done.

Respect other’s boundaries just as you would like them to respect yours.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019