3 Easy Practices to Release Stress Every Day

How much energy you have affects every single thing you do in your day.

As a successful entrepreneur, you wear many hats and it is important you have the energy to run your empire.

By taking time each day to get back in balance and de-stress you will have more energy and a renewed purpose. You are not meant to go-go-go all the time as this leads to burn out and overwhelm.

Of course energy comes from eating foods that are good for your body, getting enough sleep, balancing your schedule and making time for YOU. You can see tips for these areas here.

Having an EASY energy practice to support you daily is very important – this is where the magic truly happens so you can recenter, refocus and re-balance.

1. White Light

A daily energy work practice is VITAL to helping you stay in balance energetically and it all begins with White Light.

Photo Credit: Karla Keene March 2019


White Light is God, Love, the Universe, Source, or whatever you would like to call it. It is non-denominational, it just simply is.

White Light is everywhere. You will see the beams of White Light breaking through clouds and trees most often in nature.

Energetically you are the White Light and it flows through you at all times.

Imagine visually, that you are surrounded by it in a huge spotlight or beam of light and it flows gently like a stream through your being. By bringing it through your body you are energetically balancing your being.

Here is a video to help you bring in the White Light and one if you have a hard time bringing it in. Use the White Light to help you balance and center, no matter what is happening around you.

2. Letting Go

Equally as important as bringing in the White Light is letting go.

You can visualize White Light and feel the peace it provides you, but if you are already full of negativity, irritation, frustration, stress, anger, etc., you just keep battling the negativity with the White Light within you. End this energetic battle by cleaning out all this junk that is holding onto the negativity.

Photo Credit: Karla Keene - March 2019


You will know when you have letting go to do, just pay attention to how you feel emotionally, what you are thinking, and how your body feels.

All that stress, overwhelm, hustle, etc builds in your body and if you don’t clear it out, you will explode at something trivial. Sound familiar?

Notice that you feel so much better after you let go, and you will be in a better place for whatever is happening in your life or work at that moment.

There are many different ways to let go whether it is through exercise, creating art, journaling, visualizing, etc.; the list goes on! Here is a letting go video where you visualize the tension, stress, frustration, anger, sadness, etc., leaving your body.

3. Refilling with Positive Energy

“I am” Statements

“I am” statements are very nurturing and supportive to your body at any time but they are important after you have done letting go. These statements support your body and help reprogram that area. An area that was holding onto negativity gets cleared in the letting go session and is now reprogramming into the “I am” statement you are putting there.

I am peace. I am free. I am whole. I am supported. I am love.

Use whatever “I am” statement will best support you in each moment. Notice it is a 3 word sentence and if you find your body rejecting one of the statements above you have letting go to do.

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Pastel Colors

Pastel colors like you see in a rainbow are nurturing and supportive energetically. They help you focus on a specific energy vibration in a specific area of your body.

The White Light is all the colors, this is using a specific color you are drawn to use.

Often no words have to be used with them. You just see the colors that are coming to you, let them do their work, and you feel great. Sometimes, you will find that it is helpful for you to have something for your mind to focus on like an “I am” statement or mantra like “all is well,” with the colors.

“I am” statements or mantras can be very supportive with colors when you have done a lot of energy work.

To put it all together for you, here is an Energy Works Basics video that incorporates all 3 of the energy practices in detail and ends with a guided energy work session.

Start practicing these 3 easy energy work practices today. You will notice a difference in how you feel, how you perform and the people you attract around you.

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Ready for some support to shift your energy? You can find my books here. Each book has a different focus to help you on your journey.

info@lisagornall.com   www.lisagornall.com  All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019

Boat image photo credit in White Light section: Karla Keene March 2019

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