Create Fulfilling Relationships NOW

An area of concern for most successful entrepreneurs I work with is their RELATIONSHIPS or lack of good relationships.

Relationships are a top priority they are struggling with when they start working with me. Not having balance in your relationships throws off your personal life and ends up directly affecting your work life.

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The relationships:

  • Are not fulfilling or supportive
  • You are exhausted and do not have the energy for them
  • You don’t have the time for them
  • You don’t have time for self-care like lunch or a full night’s sleep much less time for date night

Which of these relate to you right now?

Energy is simple. What you put out energetically, you receive back to you. Here are 3 easy practices to help you stop searching and start finding fulfillment in your relationships.

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1. Reclaim Your Relationship with YOURSELF

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship.

How you treat yourself is how others will treat you. What you believe about yourself, they will believe. They follow your lead, you set the stage:

  • If you think you deserve a certain type of relationship or people around you that is the tribe you will attract.
  • If you believe you aren’t lovable, the people in your relationships will believe that too.
  • If you feel alone, guess what? No one can take that away from you but YOU. You’ll find yourself surrounded by people that are there but aren’t your people and you will feel alone.
  • If you feel distance in your relationships, look within first. What within you is it time to shift or is there something you should be doing?
  • Re-evaluate struggling relationships – are they still a priority, time to put on the back burner or is it time to let them go?
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Self-love and self-worth come from within. They determine how much power you feel you have. Power is an energy exchange and ideally, it is EQUAL in all your relationships.

When you find fulfillment in yourself, you are able to create relationships at work and home that are fulfilling, balanced and have boundaries.

No one else can love you enough, value you enough or cherish you enough. It starts with YOU.

How to Reclaim Your Relationship with YOURSELF

Claim your truth:

Begin by knowing in your whole being, “I am love. I am light. I am safe. I am whole.”

I am enough. You do not have to prove yourself in any relationship by your work success.

Let go of any resistance to these statements in your body because these are your energetic truths.

Feel these “I am” statements through your body from the top of your head, through your body, down to your feet and into the Earth.

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2. Make Time for Your Relationships

If something is important to you, make time for it.

No one ever says on their deathbed, “I’m so glad I worked all the time.” You do not get time back with people in this life – there is no rewinding the clock to fix relationships that are neglected. You have to be present right now.

Your social life is important for your well being.

While it is great that work is such a passion and brings you joy, you will find that all work and no play does not make you happy for long. You will feel that something is missing.

Schedule time with your partner, family and friends INTO your calendar.

Yes! Block out time for them. This not only gives you time to refresh your energy and mind, but it gives you important time to spend connecting with them.

Say yes to things you would like to do and no to things you do not. Time is valuable. It is important that you make time to do things outside of work that are important, fun or relaxing.

Be Present – Unplug from Technology

Time with those that are important to you should be unplugged. Make sure you don’t have your phone glued to you.

As a successful entrepreneur, you know the importance of replying quickly and staying on top of everything – but a life outside of work is equally important. Your emails, texts and social media will be there waiting for you to do during your SET business hours…not right now.

You can walk into any restaurant and see most people are disconnected from the people they are sitting with. Electronic devices are powerful to connect you with work but not with the people physically present with you.

Nothing is worse than sitting with someone and trying to talk to them while they are more engaged with their device. Or even worse – the other person gets on their device too. Then you have groups of people physically together but not really connecting.

When someone is on their device – they don’t hear you, you don’t feel more important than whatever they are doing on their device and you will eventually choose to not spend your free time with them.

Make time to be present in your relationships. You need a break from work and being present actually makes it feel like time is going by slower not faster.

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3. Create Boundaries

Boundaries are so important and are often missing for successful entrepreneurs. They are an important framework for time and actions.

One important boundary to create is around your work and your personal time. Do not work in your designated personal time. Likewise, during your work hours do not work on your personal life. Create clear times to help you be present in both areas.

Create boundaries to let people at work and at home know what is okay and what is not.

Make sure you are firm on the boundaries or people will ignore them.

Respect the boundaries that others set with you as well. Remember to treat others as you would like to be treated and COMMUNICATE your needs and feelings.

As a society, we think that people should know what we want without telling them. The problem is they are not a mind reader. You have to communicate and one way we do that is with boundaries.

How to Create Boundaries:

  • Let someone know when something is okay or when it is not. I feel ______ when you do ________. Please do not do this anymore.
  • Energetically STOP taking on everyone’s energy. Just because someone is in your presence does not mean you have to let their energy pour into you, especially when they are negative or not in a good place. You have enough on your plate already. Do not allow their energy into your being, you can say in your mind, “No thank you.” Imagine energetically pushing their energy gently back to them where it belongs.
  • If someone is challenging your boundary (which will happen in old relationships) remind them of the boundary and be firm. If they continue to ignore the boundary sometimes space is needed or it is time for the relationship to end.
  • Follow the boundaries you create. There is no point in creating a boundary you will not enforce and make sure you respect other people’s boundaries as well. What goes around, comes around energetically.

Above are three easy practices you can start doing TODAY to stop searching and find fulfillment in your relationships. I have a whole book dedicated to supporting you in creating healthy, fulfilling and balanced relationships.

Relationships are important. Start using these practices daily to reclaim your relationships.

I am love. I am whole. I create fulfilling relationships.

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Here is a cheat sheet to support you in reclaiming your time, relationships, inner game and energy each day.

Start living a successful, fulfilling and balanced life. It begins with YOU.

Lisa Gornall is a Spiritual Medium, Healer and Coach. She is also an author, speaker and offers event support.

Lisa uses her intuitive abilities to coach career driven women at or near their breaking point to reset. Get your head, energy and life on point. Let’s get back to that freedom lifestyle you originally envisioned!     All Rights Reserved Lisa Gornall 2019

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